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10 Creative Writing Prompts for Kids!

Does your child love to write? Here are 10 creative writing prompts for kids to use!

Creative Writing is an excellent way for children to strengthen their reading and writing skills as well as exercise their imagination! Writing can be engaging, fun and innovative. Inspire your children to enhance their storytelling skills with some of these writing prompts and watch your child’s imagination and creativity soar! 


10 Kids Creative Writing Prompts:

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  1. What would you do if you could fly?
  2. Write a poem about your favorite person, place or animal. 
  3. What is your dream job?
  4. What would you do if you had a million dollars?
  5. Imagine that you are on the tallest building in New York City. What do you see?
  6. What if you were a snowflake, what would your day be like?
  7. Imagine if you met a genie and were granted 3 wishes. What would they be? Why?
  8. What would you do if you were on a boat in the middle of the ocean and your boat springs a leak?
  9. If you were the last person on earth what would you do? Why?
  10. What would you do if you woke up in another country and no one understood a word you said?


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A fun activity to do with your child is to pick a writing prompt and both of you write a story using a prompt. Be creative, let your imaginations take over and share your stories with each other! 


Yolanda Coleman is the Founder and President of Team Tutor and lives in Montgomery County with her husband and three young daughters. 

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